• Life Skills for Employment in COVID-19 Era through VR Innovation

    LifeSkillsVR project aims to provide youth with the necessary knowledge of what their skills and abilities are and in which occupation they can excel and have a bright future. By approaching the issue at the earliest stage, the aim is to prepare the young and to reduce stress and future dissatisfaction by providing a glance at future opportunities.

    The users will know themselves better and will recognise the LifeSkills they should develop further.To further assist the project has developed innovative training on Life Skills and a VR simulation to put these skills into testing.

    The course contains training on the following life skills:

    1. Time Management
    2. Working as a member of a team
    3. Defining and solving problems
    4. Developing and managing oneself
    5. Communicating effectively

    At the end of the course users will find detailed instructions on how to use the VR simulation developed by LifeSkillsVR with their Oculus Quest 2.


    All rights reserved
    Erasmus+ project: LifeSkillsVR - Life Skills for Employment in COVID-19 Era through VR Innovation
    Agreement number: 2020-1-UK01-KA226-HE-094705
    For more information please visit https://lifeskillsvr.com/

    The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Available courses

This Lifeskills course contains:
  1. VR System walkthrough
  2. Lifeskills training courses
  3. Lifeskills Training Curriculum
  4. Instructions to set-up and explore the VR system in an Oculus Quest 2 headset